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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

7 Benefits of Living Wall Systems

Ivy growing on living wall system, Eco Screen by Kane

Living Walls.
Vertical Gardens.  
Green Walls.  
Eco Screens.

There are many names for them, but what are they, really - and how are they beneficial to our environment?  Whether you're a green building expert or a newcomer to everything eco-friendly, keep reading to learn more about how "growing up" can be a truly earth-loving gesture.

Many landscape architects credit the popularity of today's modern living walls to world renowned Parisian botanist, Patrick Blanc, for bringing the eye-catching architectural element to light back in the late 1980s.  Since then, his initial concept has taken many forms, from structural trellises to mat-based systems for smaller installations. 

Beyond this incredible versatility in terms of growth media, green walls offer great environmental and health benefits as well. Below is a list of 7 ways these systems can improve the world around us:

1.  SOUND ABSORPTION - Whether mounted outdoors or indoors, living wall systems buffer noise in all areas to create a more comfortable, quiet space.
Serious damage can occur when ivy grows directly onto
a building facade without the use of a trellis or eco screen

2.  TEMPERATURE REGULATION - Living walls keep buildings cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter by providing an extra layer of insulation.   

3.  HEALTH AND BEAUTY - Not only do living walls provide a beautiful, lush, green centerpiece on an otherwise unsightly city block, they prevent building damage by discouraging graffiti artists from making their mark.  What's more, a number of studies have shown that workers whose windows overlook green spaces - including green walls - report lower stress and higher job satisfaction. 

4.  PROTECTION - Green walls provide protection from the elements which cuts down on maintenance costs in the long run.  They also prevent plant vegetation from adhering directly to - and thereby damaging - the building's brick and mortar (such as traditional ivy).  

A sample of modular trellis
system,  Eco Screen by Kane
5.  A BREATH OF FRESH AIR  - Living walls are proven to help clear and purify the air. 

6.  SPACE CONSERVATION - Living walls grow vertically, so there is no design space lost around entryways or around the perimeter of the building. 

7.  LEED & SUSTAINABILITY - Green walls help to earn credits and points for LEED certification.  Check with your living wall manufacturer for more details.

CLICK HERE to learn more about living walls/green walls for your architectural application.

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